App development process, and where you must be careful

In the development of any product, there is a certain scenario, a system that helps to prepare the right, high-quality application that will fully meet the requirements of the client and at the same time will be convenient and understandable for the developers' team.

Similarly, the creation of applications has its software development lifecycle, which is usually followed by any mobile app development company to avoid unnecessary costs and accurately fulfill all the customer's requirements for the ordered product.

In this article, we would like to talk in more detail about how app development takes place and how the customer and the development team should behave to create the perfect tandem and, as a result, the perfect product.

What does the app development lifecycle include?

In total, there are 4 main steps in creating any product:

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Implementation

There may also be an additional step - testing. We want to be sure that the application works correctly, has all the necessary functionality, and meets all the requirements of the client. To do this, after the app is ready, we conduct a series of tests and identify all minor flaws

On the other hand, you can also find the full path of mobile application development on our website. There are 6 steps in total in the list:

1.Discussing the idea:

We collect all the information about your project idea, and technical requirements.


We conduct marketing research and development analysis to evaluate the timing and cost of the project together with our developers.


We are sending you an official document with an offer with all costs, deadlines, and results.


We build a mobile app using Agile methodology which allows us to be flexible and make changes during the development process


We make sure that the project meets your expectations and is ready for release


We deploy your mobile application and bring it to market after it has passed the necessary testing and evaluation.

For the project to be successfully implemented, meet all the requirements of the client, and have no technical bugs, it is especially important that the client actively participates during the planning and evaluation stage of the project. At these steps, the foundation of the future project is laid. Any slightest mistake, inaccuracy of the terms of references, or an incomplete list of requirements for the application on the part of the client can lead to big problems in the future.

But let's go back to the 4 basic steps in creating any app. We will take an example of the application development process and draw a parallel with our 6 steps of working on projects. Regardless of whether we are talking about iOS or Android app development, even if it is cross-platform development, the scenario won’t be changed.

So, let's get started!

Steps #1 and #2: Planning and Analysis

Speaking about the successful creation of a mobile application, we mean the following:

  1. Cost
  2. After the completion of the project, the actual cost of creating the application should not exceed the planned
  3. Timeline
  4. During planning, delivery dates are determined for both individual parts and the entire application as a whole. Again, the gap between reality and the plan should be minimal
  5. Performance
  6. The application upon release should have all the features and functions that were discussed during the initiation of the project

At the planning stage, such fundamental points are identified as

  1. Project initiation
  2. Development of a work plan

As a result, the project manager and the client receive a ready-made plan for creating a mobile application

Project initiation

This stage consists of 2 sub-stages:

  • system request development
  • conduction of a technical and economic analysis

The system request is a process in which the client and the project manager discuss the project from the point of view of business and functionality. What an application be able to do, and what are the advantages, individual requirements, and features of the project?

Based on the responses, a document with technical requirements for the final product is collected.

Feasibility analysis

At this stage, the development company analyzes how feasible all the requirements listed in the document are.

If some of them go beyond the scope of what is possible, then this is discussed directly with the client to find the optimal solution as close to the original requirements as possible.

After completing these 2 steps, a detailed plan for the implementation of the project is drawn up, and the client receives a document with a full description of the mobile application, requirements, and delivery dates.

In our client work plan, these steps are described as: "Discussing the idea", "Estimation" and “Proposal”.

Steps #3 and #4: Design and Implementation

The result of these stages is the ready mobile application design and the first version of the project before testing.

During the first steps of planning and analyzing the project, we deduced all the cases of using the application, its value, technical requirements, and development features. At the design stage, we create the interface of your mobile application taking into account the UI/UX design.

The active participation of the client is very important here because if the design does not meet your expectations, the application will be created according to the wrong plan, and eventually we will have to start all over again.

After the design is approved, the delivery team proceeds to the development of your mobile application, taking into account everything that has been prepared during the previous steps.

The Agile methodology that we adhere to during development allows us to be flexible while working on the product. So every single detail of the app can be changed almost without affecting the overall workflow.

The last steps: Testing and Release

Up to this moment, we have been developing your mobile application. Now we are ready for the technical testing process to identify all possible errors, security issues, and user-friendliness of the interface.

Testing takes from several days to several weeks. It all depends on the size and complexity of the project.

And, of course, you don't have to worry about the application deployment process. We are responsible for the placement of applications on Google Play and the App Store

To complete the article, we will share one more important point: if you want a high-quality, convenient application in a short time, then contact the mobile application development company that’s done similar projects. If it’s a banking app, find someone who’s done a fintech application. If it's social media, you need someone with social media experience

Summary of the article:

  1. Each mobile app development company operates according to one software development lifecycle scenario.
  2. The most important stages in development are planning and creating a design. The fact is that they lay the foundation for creating a project, and every slightest flaw in the terms of reference or design can lead to big problems during the development of a mobile application.
  3. The main stages where active participation of the client is necessary are the stage of project planning, design evaluation, as well as approval of the final version of the mobile application before proceeding to the testing stage.
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